no, haven't heard of any "brazen" incidents yet. I'm pretty sure that my BOE wouldn't even know how to define that term.
p.s. if I showed up to the Kingdom Hall in drag, would that be considered "brazen"?
just wanted to hear any stories connected to that new term from the elder's handbook..
no, haven't heard of any "brazen" incidents yet. I'm pretty sure that my BOE wouldn't even know how to define that term.
p.s. if I showed up to the Kingdom Hall in drag, would that be considered "brazen"?
i read morbidzbaby's comment on the post were she said that she got baptized "hoping that it would sort everything out".
this got me thinking about the whole jw ritual of baptism and dedication.
i look back and recall that i never privately "dedicated" myself to anything or anyone before taking the "dip".. the wt teaching is that a person should privately dedicate (via prayer) themselves to jehovah before publically going through the ritual.
Also, I think one is bigger than the other.
haha Cheez, you motor-boatin' SOB, you old sailor, you!
Thanks everyone for the interesting comments. It seems as though early baptism is encouraged perhaps as a way to "lock that person up". Maybe if 5 youths get baptized and 2 get DF'd, they are still 3 JWs stronger! Praise His name!
Cheez is my avatar back?
Okay, this might be the most embarrassing thing I've ever admitted to: for an assignment in junior high band class I played "Make the Truth Your Own" in front of the class...on the saxophone. Okay, gotta go kick my own ass now for that one.
A little pee just slipped out. That's brutal, my friend. I'm assuming that the ladies weren't throwing their panties up on stage?
Cheez, this is wonderful. From now on I'm gonna be MF. Splendid.
we don't have this expression in the us.
"i always 'answer up' at every meeting.
" i love it!
And Mr. Falcon, what happened to your avatar???
what's wrong with it? is it missing? it shows up at my end.
we don't have this expression in the us.
"i always 'answer up' at every meeting.
" i love it!
Reciting parts of a poorly-written paragraph that we just read 30 seconds ago. Yet another clear indicator of how spiritual a person is.
the more I doubt that a person needs to be part of any organized religion.
This is false-reasoning. When will you people understand that recorded hours and magazine placements are more vital to salvation than how you live your life or what's in your heart??? Silly humans.
i mentally left the org in march 2010. i stepped down as an elder after my lad got into trouble.
i researched the publications to make myself 'spiritually strong' but it backfired.. i was in mental and emotional turmoil, still on fs, the platform and meetings etc.
i had to force myself to conform to ever failing jw doctrine.. i announced to my family that i was not going back to meetings in august 2010 after the 'overlapping' joke of 'new light'.. i told the elders not to call.
their congregation is the only friendship/support network they have in life.
Thank you for pointing this out. This is sadly a big part of the reason why so many older JWs who have been in it for years reject any logical argument, despite maybe being intellectually-inclined. They have just invested too much and they may see it as they are too far in to switch gears now. Also, psychologically, it is a rather large mountain of denial for some to come to terms with the fact that all those years were a waste of time. Some would rather defend their belief system to the death, right or wrong.
Myself, I woke up, but now I have to find a way out of this prison without losing my family. I have come to this website for support and advice on how to accomplish this.
i read morbidzbaby's comment on the post were she said that she got baptized "hoping that it would sort everything out".
this got me thinking about the whole jw ritual of baptism and dedication.
i look back and recall that i never privately "dedicated" myself to anything or anyone before taking the "dip".. the wt teaching is that a person should privately dedicate (via prayer) themselves to jehovah before publically going through the ritual.
I'm not going to speak against the org, but I'm going to get them to use their noodles and really THINK about everything. Critical thinking is a necessary skill that gets squelched in JW kids.
This is my planned strategy, too.
i read morbidzbaby's comment on the post were she said that she got baptized "hoping that it would sort everything out".
this got me thinking about the whole jw ritual of baptism and dedication.
i look back and recall that i never privately "dedicated" myself to anything or anyone before taking the "dip".. the wt teaching is that a person should privately dedicate (via prayer) themselves to jehovah before publically going through the ritual.
thank you for sharing that, Morbidzbaby.
I can relate to the misleading impression that JW baptism leads to acceptence, friendship and support. I also agree whole-heartedly with your disdain of adolescent baptism. This custom is an absolute crime. I attended a Circuit Assembly recently and among the group of baptism canidates there was a 9 year old girl. Now do you mean to tell me that this 9 year old child can comprehend what it means to be dedicated whole-soully to anything, or for that matter what it means to be legally, contractally bound to the WTBS????? Or the fact that if she makes any mistakes, her family may be forced to shun her? Just say that in 3 years she tries a cigerette (I'M NOT ADVOCATING CHILD SMOKING, JUST USING IT AS AN EXAMPLE) does she realize that she could be subject to a JUDICIAL COMMITTEE? What kind of sick psychos would put a 12 year old girl on trial???
What happens in a few years when she suddenly develops an interest in boys? It has been demonstrated by psychologists that we develop different goals, desires, and needs throughout each phase of our life. What a 15 year old girl thinks about is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY different than what she thought about or understood at 8. And she thinks even differently at 23.
I remember when I was like 8 or 9, I would boldly declare that I would NEVER sin against Jehovah!!!!!!! Perish the thought!! What the hell did I know at 9 years old??? Well, when I was older and the first brunette unbuttoned her shirt in front of me, well everything I thought about or believed years ago went flying out the window. I wasn't thinking about my dedication or knocking on doors, "overturning deeply entrenched things".